Located on North Lake Road, off South Buffalo Street, the Park is open to Orchard Park residents and their guests.
The site includes:
- tot lot playground
- glider swings
- splash pad
- picnic areas and shelters
- beach front
- swimming area
- Bath House/restrooms
- bocce courts
- basketball court
- 90' baseball diamond
- hiking trails
- boating access
- Town of Orchard Park Recreation Building

Dogs - Leashed dogs are allowed in the park but not near the playground or on the beach. Owners must remove any waste left from the dog.
The Playground at Green Lake / Yates Park received a new inclusive play piece and additional playground surfacing in the spring of 2018.
Splash Pad at Green Lake
- Open weather permitting Memorial Day Weekend
- Orchard Park Residents and their guests
- Hours: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
- Please encourage Social Distancing

Additional Resources: